welcome to my blog

My first blog post

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What convinced me to start a blog?

I have never thought of myself as a writer. When I was in high school, I knew I wasn’t much of one. My grades in English said it all. The teacher was intimidating. I knew she was smart and expected a lot from us. One day she even told us as a class that we weren’t very good writers.

Writing was simply not something that came to me easily. But I applied myself and I ended up getting an A in my British literature class. This came after I received a D- on my very first paper. Come to my surprise I also received A’s in literature courses in college.

That is probably the mindset I have here getting started. I just decided one day that if I have all this information I might as well try to write about it. If I could start writing about some niche topic and inspire one person, I think that would be worth it. 

What is there to lose?

To be honest the main idea I want to spend so much time talking about is investing. This is the one thing, other than my family, that I spend so much time thinking about every day. Finance, economics, budgeting, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc…. 

I usually like to start my day with coffee and a book I’m reading (usually in the finance section). Truth is that I could read one page and spend fifteen minutes thinking about the topic on that page. Not just because I may not understand it, although that may be true, but because my mind wanders and trails off in so many directions. 

I figured maybe it was time to put it all on paper.

My goal is that I want to be able to express my thoughts, learn while also being informative, and inspire others to invest (particularly in individual stocks which I plan on writing about down the road). Maybe I’ll help someone else start there investing journey like I did six years ago.

To this day I can say I’m off to a good start. I’ve invested in many stocks and don’t ever do this unless I know I can make money. I learned this strategy of taking asymmetrical risks which I’ll talk more about later. It basically goes hand in hand with Warren Buffett’s number one rule of investing: “Never lose money”.

For those of you who don’t know who Warren Buffett is, we will also get to him later. Please know that if you are seeking a better financial life, I believe that Mr. Buffett should be at the center of it. He has taught me and many others so much about life and investing. So much of this inspiration has come with only his famous quotes like the one above.

I am a big believer in the stock market, and I think the opportunity is unlike any other investing platform out there. I mean think about it – we all have the opportunity to invest in companies like Apple, Microsoft, Tesla and Nike. These are some of the greatest businesses ever established and we can legally own a piece of them. Why wouldn’t you? 

Although I’m still at what I feel to be the beginning of my investing journey, knowing you start out with zero followers, and I still have a full-time job, I feel it’s never to early to start writing out your thoughts.

I feel if you start a blog, you also must talk about all your hobby’s – Books, other investors, macroeconomics, and traveling. My wife and I plan on visiting all 63 and counting national parks. We personally sit down and review each visit and rate our experience. So, if you have that itch to travel and haven’t been to all of these consider this an opportunity to get a great review! With that said, I hope you all enjoy.


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