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6 Items Everyone Needs to Buy in Bulk

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Does buying in bulk really save you money?

Woman is happy to be holding cash in her hand.

Some people might be skeptical when shopping this way because it seems like you must pay more upfront. There’s also the risk of buying more and not finishing everything which could go to waste.

However, if you do some quick math, you’ll see that buying in bulk really does save you money.

Check out my receipt below for some recent purchases I’ve made in bulk. You’ll notice that sometimes these items will have sales and you can save additional money. Often, retailers will put items on sale if they are close to the best-by date. 

A quick word about best-by dates might be useful. Best-by dates and expiration dates are not the same. According to this Simply Recipes article, expiration dates are the last day you can use an item by. However, best-by dates are recommended to follow when concerned about the freshness of the product.

This information will come in handy because it may allow you to keep items for even longer than you planned. 

Moreover, If you look at the breakfast sandwiches I bought below on the left, you’ll notice these were $11.58 for 12. That’s about 97 cents a sandwich. Currently, you can buy the same sandwiches at your local store in a 4 pack for $6.58. That makes each sandwich $1.64.

This example shows how you can save almost $10 on one item when buying in bulk.

My receipt from Sam's Club.
Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches

Additionally, buying at places like the Dollar Store can also save you money. Not only can you find items in bulk here as well, but these low-cost chain stores have some main brand products that you can buy multiple of. I like to look for products such as dish soap, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, towels, or holiday items like wrapping paper.

Let’s look at some other items that people frequently buy. 


The first item I will mention is going to be hit or miss. For me, I am a big coffee drinker. If you are not, then this may be one to skip. If you look at the same receipt above, you’ll notice I bought 40 ounces of coffee for $10.86. This comes out to be 27 cents an oz. 

If you compare this to other ways to buy coffee, it is cheap.

You can buy Dunkin brand coffee for around $8-9. On Amazon, a 12 oz. standard bag costs $8.72 coming in at $0.73 per oz. as of August 28th, 2022.

If you Shop at Sam’s Club and get the 45 oz. container of Dunkin for $23.68, that’s $0.53 an oz.

This comes out to be a difference of 20 cents an oz. This may not seem like much, but add this up over time with a product that is consumed every day and saving money is easy.


Another item that everyone should buy in bulk is toiletries. This category is one that can apply to everyone. Unless you think you will stop brushing your teeth at some point, it always pays to buy a 3 pack versus just one at a time.

When I go to Sam’s Club I look for:

  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • Eye contact solution
  • Soap
  • Mouthwash
  • Shampoo

I like to keep a small container in the bathroom where I store all the extras. One of the best benefits of buying toiletries in bulk is that they don’t expire like foods do.


Socks and underwear or other inner wear items are normally sold in packs to begin with. This includes brands like Hanes if you like to shop at Walmart or Target.

Also, you can read more about this brand here if you like investing in equities.

The best thing you can do when shopping for these items is buy the largest pack available. If you’re trying to save money it doesn’t help to buy anything individually. Again, these items are best bought in bulk because we all use them everyday throughout our life.

Food for lunches

This category can be selective. As an example, something I like to buy are items for sandwiches.

Bread, lunchmeat, and cheese can all be bought in bulk. I like to look for the family size or try finding a sale like when you buy 2 or more and get a discount. 

Other products I like for lunch can be protein and energy drinks. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, next to multivitamins, energy drinks are the most popular dietary supplement consumed by American teens and young adults. 

With that, I know Americans like to add to their caffeine intake, especially middle-aged men according to the website above. Although limiting our caffeine intake can be a good idea, if I know I am going to consume them already, I might as well save some money.

Canned Goods

Next on the list are canned goods.

When my wife and I make dinner, sometimes green beans are all we feel like making. I really like to buy fresh vegetables, but after a long day these will do.

On top of that, canned vegetables have a long shelf life. I like to keep a good stock in our pantry just in case any unexpected events were to happen.

Additionally, you can buy canned goods such as tomato sauce, corn, peas, carrots, mushrooms, beans and soups. 


According to the APPA (American Pet Products Association), roughly 70% of Americans own a pet.

We love our pets. If I had to guess, I would say that this trend may fluctuate in the future, but not by much. That is why buying our petfood in bulk is a smart thing to do.

I currently work for a petfood company and the best-by dates are similar in length to human food. Thus, stocking up on this item or buying a bigger bag especially when it goes on sale can be a great idea. 


Now that we’ve looked at the best items to buy in bulk, where are the best places to find them?

I recommend shopping at Sam’s Club or Costco. These are the main shopping retailers that sell products in the largest quantities. 

Yes, you do have to own a membership for each one. However, the pros greatly outweigh the cons. 

Both these places also sell things like gasoline, vacation specials, furniture and automotive services like oil changes, batteries and tires. If you’re willing to own a credit card or any other subscription, why not own one for the food you buy?

You can also buy items on Amazon in bulk and have them delivered straight to your door.

Furthermore, not only does buying in bulk help you to save money in the short run, but also in the long term.

Remember that inflation has a huge impact on the price we pay for food. Thus, by purchasing items in bulk like canned goods and toiletries, you can save money because these items can be stored for years. Stock up on these items at home and don’t pay for them when the price goes up.

What items do you like to buy in bulk that I may have missed?


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